Intercession: prayer on behalf of needs other than my own

Intercession: prayer on behalf of needs other than my own
Intercession: prayer on behalf of needs other than my own... Intercession accelerates God's purposes in the earth.

Friday, August 12, 2011

kwaheri :D

Day 14 was super beautiful. We did village evangelism, handed out flour and got to pray in a bunch of homes. I saw the Lord in the little things for sure... like shaking the women's hands and looking them in the eyes for more than a second. It blows my mind how you can show the love of Jesus even amidst the language and cultural barrier. The pastor of the village was super blessed by us coming to pray with him, he is a passionate man who overflows with the love of Jesus. So glad that there are shepherds like that who stay there when we leave. After that, we headed to the orphanage to hang out with the kids and decorate the school rooms with a bunch of scripture posters and what not.. it looks so good :) so colorful and fun. I got to spend time with Beth again, she runs to me whenever we get there- i've never been sought out so much! The way that Beth pursues spending time with me and gettin loved on by me is so pure, she's not worried about her image, she's just a kid who knows what it is to feel unwanted and is pumped at the fact that I would want to spend time with her.. praying that she sees the love of Christ in that. Though we sin and we are just straight up ridiculous and annoying at times, jesus always wants to be around us... super wild thought. Julius' son Oscar said that as we spend time with the kids who don't usually mesh with the rest of the group, they start meshing with others even when we're not around. That blew my mind because that is a lasting effect that we can have on the kids in that orphange.. praise Jesus.

Yesterday was incredible too. Went to the women's prison where this prisoner read psalm 139:1-10. My friend Taylor Neil sent me that scripture right before I got on the plane to Kenya.. 'If I take to the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.' Just as the Lord is with me in the states, He is with me in Kenya. Not even the prison walls and the barbed wire at that women's prison could keep the Holy Spirit out. They worshipped Jesus and preached the Word, exhorting and encouraging one another.. it was so beautiful to witness. After that, we met up with this YWAM team that we're spending the last few days ministering with. They're super diverse (South Korea, New Zealand, Paraguay, America) and I have enjoyed getting to know them SO much.. I talked to Eddy and Yuri about North Korea and how they can't go there and how if anyone tries to enter or leave the country that look through all your pictures, all your papers, everything.. They do not want God in their country. But last night, we were all worshiping together, and the Lord was like 'Not even North Korea can withstand me. I'm with you in Kenya. I'm with those prisoners in Kakamega prison. And I am even there in North Korea. None can withstand me.' That's what I've learned for the most part this whole trip.. 2 Chron. 20:6 "O LORD, God of our fathers, are You not God in Heaven? You rule over all the nations. In Your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you."

Today we went to a boys' prison and watched their talent show. It was seriously AWESOME. I thoroughly enjoy their dancing hahahaha.. then Cory shared the gospel and the YWAM team did the 'Everything' skit, and we did our 'How He Loves Us' dance... it was a super powerful time and a couple hundred boys gave their lives to Jesus. Then we taught them 'the interlude' dance, and a bunch of the boys came out and danced with us the second time around when we invited them. It was SO fun. Such a party. Jesus is hilarious, he is fun, and he really did come to give life and life abundantly.

"There is something about believing in God, that makes God willing to pass over a million people just to anoint you. I believe God will always turn out to meet you on a special line if you dare to believe Him." -Smith Wigglesworth

last post from kenya :) love you all

1 comment:

  1. Kristen,
    Thanks for all your thoughtful posts detailing your mission trip! All your Scriptures and experiences have been so encouraging! You have been missed here but so excited for all that you have been a part of in Africa :)
    Love You!
